
Why I want to learn Mathematics? [08/18/2024]

First of all, welcome to the first post on this website. To be honest, this took longer than I thought it would: I have been thinking about writing this post for at least a month and here I finally am. I will try to write posts like this regularly, at least once a month. These posts will cover a variety of topics, so hopefully they will entertain you awhile.

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Mathematics might be the most accurate, precise, and exact tool ever, and that's almost unquestionable. All this accuracy made me truly fall in love with its strange numbers and equations. So I've simply decided that I will learn mathematics once and for all.

But there is a... Well, let's say, tiny problem: I kinda can't do math'.

At the moment, my math' calculations are slow, painful and full of foolish mistakes, not to mention my lack of knowledge to solve the equations, which forces me to approach them in the most inefficient way possible.

The fact is: I've always been fascinated by mathematics and mathematicians, even when I didn't know what I could do with it or what mathematicians actually do. However, unfortunately, every time I had to deal with math' problems I sort of lied to myself saying I couldn't do it at all. And, because of this childish mindset, now I am "out of date" with anything related to it.

So, as another childish act, but now for a "noble cause", I'm going to learn mathematics purely for the pleasure of knowing something that, for the most part, won't be really applicable in my practical life -- i.e.: the best kind of knowledge.

I've already started my studies with a book I bought at an used bookstore -- what we call "sebo" here in Brazil. It's not a "math' focused" book (that's actually aimed for biologists), but it'll help me at least a little during this... Let's say, exotic journey.

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